Safe and Effective Ways of Raccoon Removal in Kitchener

If you want to remove raccoons from your property safely, the best solution is to call a raccoon removal service in Kitchener. You don’t know how to handle the constant barrage of raccoons on your property, but you don’t want to hurt them either.

Employing the help of pest control services will make things easier for any homeowner. You can entrust the safe removal of raccoons to their hands and, at the same time, keep your property safe. Experts will know how to inspect, detect, and capture raccoons on your property.

You can also trust that professionals can humanely capture the raccoons and give them a better life away from your property. Pest control services will work to make sure that other raccoons or any other pests won’t enter your property.

Do Raccoons Pose a Threat to Your Property?

Many homeowners would refer to raccoons as trash pandas, meaning they would often rummage through garbage in search of food. When looking for food, raccoons can get restless and throw out the trash or even turn the entire bin over.

Raccoons aren’t like your domesticated animals; the raccoon is a witty animal that can quickly adapt to its surroundings. Raccoons threaten you and your property when they come in droves and overturn everything on your lawn.

Of course, not all raccoon families are like this, but it still helps to be wary. Once raccoons find out that there is food on your property, they will mark the location and start returning to it regularly. Over time, these critters can damage properties; that’s why you have to remove them in the first place.

How Can Raccoons Be Removed Safely?

There are specific ways that professional pest control services can prevent raccoons from coming into your home. If you don’t have experience handling these creatures, it’s best to call in experts who can do the job efficiently.

Installing Lights and Creating Noise

A simple thing you can do while waiting for a professional to take these critters away is to add in lights or create noises whenever the creatures are on your property; these could spook them out, and some would try to avoid returning to your house.

Raccoons tend to like dark places where they can hide. That’s why it’s recommended that you install lights to scare them off. You can also try installing sensory lights that could turn on when there’s movement.

Using Scents to Turn Them Away

Raccoons are susceptible to scents; if they smell something new or spicy. You can try bringing in spices such as cayenne, black pepper, or cinnamon since these highly bother the creature’s sense of smell.

Mix these spices with boiling water and onions to create your anti-raccoon repellant. Sometimes, you can also add hot sauce for an extra multisensory effect. The scent will confuse and annoy the critters until they leave.

Monitor Their Activities

It helps when you know their activities and when they arrive. They are nocturnal. Some choose to hunt food in the daylight.

These creatures might appear confused during the day and run away quickly, but it’s the nighttime critters that you have to monitor. If you are setting up distractions, prepare them for the nighttime visitors.

More hiding spots on your property could make running away easier for these critters. Try to look in your attic, ceilings, walls, chimneys, and even crawl spaces. These are potential places where the animals could be hiding during the day or when you drive them away.

These critters love to hide and will try to hide themselves in dark spaces that you don’t normalize. Always inspect areas you don’t usually use on your property. If you find litter, avoid tampering with it and call the professionals instead.

Block All Entries to Your Home

You can block these off if you find out which entries they use to infiltrate your property. It could be a broken fence, a pet door, broken walls, damaged ceilings, or a hole in the ground. Depending on your situation, try to block most of these areas.

You’d be surprised at how effective blocking is, especially when you catch the main entryway of the creatures. Ensure you‘ve checked your property, because they could find one you’ve eventually missed.

Make Sure the Creatures Leave Before Blocking Entrances

Before you close off any entrances, make sure that no animal is left trapped in your house. You should have a thorough inspection of your property and make sure to check every corner. You don’t want to accidentally trap the creatures inside.

If you have difficulty spotting the creatures, you can call pest control services to inspect the property. These professionals have the equipment to make raccoon spotting faster and easier.

Install One-Way Doors

Homeowners nowadays opt to install one-way doors to ensure that raccoons get out of small spaces in the house. When the creatures have left, they won’t be able to get back inside. That ensures these critters have left your property once they enter the exit.

You should leave the installation of these doors to the professionals. Pest control services must also inspect whether some animals have left or are separated from their litters. Only adult raccoons and those old enough to move and walk can get through these doors.

Making Your Home Raccoon-Free

Setting up solutions to make these critters leave might sound easy, but it’s a very tedious job, and you also have to have patience. You can successfully get the creatures out of your property on your own; however, the problem is when they decide to return.

That’s where you need the services of professionals, as you don’t want to deal with the problem repeatedly. Never try to catch the raccoons yourself; they can be energetic and have sharp claws. Never endanger yourself or your family by trying to hold them.

It’s also important to note that professionals are trained and licensed to safely handle and relocate the critters. They ensure that no family separation happens, and they can safely move the raccoons into another den site without stressing the animal. You can always ask raccoon removal services in Kitchener for more details.

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