Possum Removal Waterloo

We can qualify possums as among the manifold of animals that are known to cause Canadian homes and homemakers a number of nuisance concerns. Hence, one can easily understand that there is indeed a compelling reason why the possum removal Waterloo industry is holding so much relevance nowadays in the minds and hearts of Canadian families. This is especially true in rural areas of the country. From making their very own, cozy living space in the attic or making their abode under your home basement area, these pesky critters can be very annoying. They can also rummage through your garbage bins and dumpsters. For this, we qualify them as opportunistic animals and they are a common sight in the majority of Canadian suburban areas.

There is a manifold of reasons why possums are considered as one of the unique animals on the planet. One distinguishing physical characteristic of a female possum is that they are equipped with a pouch on their bellies. This physical attribute they have to allow them to carry their young wherever they wish to go. They can carry at least 13 of their young after they were born, and they tend to carry them for some time since they can’t fend for themselves yet. Another attribute of possums is that they have a prehensile tail, from which their young would occasionally hang themselves on.

When faced with a possible threat or when possums sense an imminent danger is lying ahead of them, possums are smart enough to keep themselves on the safe side of the boat by feigning death. This is one of their effective defense mechanisms by which they would drop themselves on the ground and act as if they are already deceased. By keeping their bodies motionless for some time, their attackers or predators would lose interest in them. Hence, they would leave them safe and unscathed.

Possums usually grow to the size of about 2 feet long and could possibly reach a maximum weight of about 10 pounds. These animals are qualified omnivorous, which means to say that they can consume almost anything that comes their way, be it plant or animal life. This behavior they have signifies that they have a tendency to rummage through your garbage and would also love to consume carrion.

While they are among the slow-moving animals of the earth, these critters are excellent climbers. What they lack in speed, they were able to make up for it through climbing, especially of trees. This is the main reason why so often you would spot them randomly up high on a tree branch. But, on the contrary, they’d love to find their way to your home and into your attic. For these animals, this is one area of your house that is most convenient for them to harbor in. They are also likely to make a residence under sheds and decks.

Common Nuisance Concerns with Possums

When a Canadian household is suffering from possum disturbance, the usual complaint that you’d hear from the affected household members would be any one of the following:

1.  They have made/transformed their shed or porch into their home, too.
2. They are stealing stored pet foods, garbage or are reported to keep on harassing household pets.
3. They successfully took up their attic space or have gotten themselves into their house.

Possum Removal Concerns

While various removal techniques will work when used and applied to various other animals we qualify as pests, for possums what can be considered as the best way to put an end to their infestation and disturbance would by trapping them, containing them, and eventual removal. Catching and containing possums is not very difficult, and is not even challenging. You can actually make use of 10 x 12 x 32 cage trap or any raccoon-sized trap that you can make use of for this purpose. Then, once everything is ready and properly setup, you can have it placed in the area where these pesky animals usually stay in or frequently are spotted in. You can bait them with just about anything because they are opportunistic scavengers and feeder.

As far as trapping and containment of wildlife animals are concerned, there are certain elements that need to go into account far beyond the proper bait, equipment, and trap placement. Trapping and containment of wildlife animals are not as simple as most people think it is, much like how an electrical or plumbing work is not as simple as they seem. Besides, there are also legal implications that you may need to think of, too. Your province may not actually allow private citizens like yourself to catch, trap, or remove possums on your own. Therefore, in order to keep yourself free from the clutches of the authorities or any other legal quagmire, it would be wise to verify everything first from them. If there are time constraints, you can opt to reach out to a reputable possum removal Waterloo specialist. These professionals will respect your need for immediate action against these animals and would be swift in offering the help and assistance you will need.

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